Modi Clear & Associates (MCA) has an unswerving commitment to ethics and professionalism. We deliver data driven decisions, and fact-based strategic development and planning. We create innovative and transitional programs that energize and inspire organizations and corporations committed to evolution and growth.
Federal and Civil Sector Contractor Experience
Jay Modi has 25 years of experience in technology leadership in the national and international Fortune 100 and Fortune 500 corporations, and the domestic civil sector.
- President and CEO of Modi Clear & Associates LLC Innovation technology and transition, strategic development.
- Chief Technology Officer, Advance Technology; Lockheed Martin Corporation LLC Strategic Development, research and development, university partnerships, technology and innovation portfolios, M&A, monetization of intellectual property, Government Labs Contract R&D.
- Portfolio Manager, Aeronautics Programs Advance technology programs, simulation programs, government labs, contract R&D.
- Chief Scientist, Space Reconnaissance Programs Scientific and engineering oversight of hardware and software vendors, partners, the program; relations and interface with government stakeholders.
- Software Lead Led SDLC team for US Air Force F-16 Flight Test Data Processing, (post-flight & Real-time).
- Senior Manager Research and Technology, The Systems Integration Organization Inc Technology Strategy, Research and Development, University R&D, Market and Technology forecasting and road-mapping, Innovation, Transition and Technology deployment, MVP, Progressive Web App, Rapid Prototypes and Simulators.
- Senior Software Engineer, Computer Sciences Corporation Led SDLC team for advance development, Engineering Report software for US Navy Contract.
- Research Engineer, Atmospheric Sciences Division – NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Langley Research Center.